10 Great Movies You'll Only Want To Watch Once

2. Come And See (1985)

Oldboy Octopus

Many harrowing films have been made about the horrors of World War II, and while Saving Private Ryan truly captured the nightmares of the battlefield and Schindler's List cast an unflinching eye over the atrocities committed in the Nazi concentration camps, the obscure Russian film Come and See is arguably the most upsetting of the bunch.

It follows a young Belorussian boy, Flyora, who joins the Soviet partisan forces to fight the invading German army. What follows is a coming of age story even more disturbing than This is England. We follow Flyora as traumatic event after traumatic event ages him not only emotionally, but physcially as well, so that by the end of the film, he looks more like an old man than a young boy.

Some of the most horrible scenes in the film include Flyora and his female companion Glasha returning to Flyora's village to find the residents slaughtered and stacked in a gruesome pile, and the pair nearly drowning as they wade through a seemingly endless bog.

The worst moment of all, however, is when a German unit takes the town Flyora is in. They force the locals into the church and say that anyone may leave, as long as they abandon their children. One woman tries to escape, and is brutally raped. The rest of the townsfolk remain in the church, where they are horrifically burned alive.

World War II was one of the worst periods in modern history, and Come and See captures than in an important and absolutely devastating way.

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Aspiring author. Film reviewer. Bestiary curator. Burgeoning misanthrope.