10 Great Performances That ALMOST Saved Disappointing Movies

1. Jason Momoa - Fast X

Fantastic Beasts

Overacting is usually considered the bane of any good film, but what about a bad one?

Fast X crashed into cinemas earlier this year, unburdened by consequential storytelling but nevertheless weighed down by several films' tangled baggage and a barrage of unnecessary characters.

As the first part of either a two- or three-parter franchise finale (rumours abound), it delivered pretty much what one would expect: many, many explosions, a few fast cars, invulnerable characters, resurrected characters, forgettable heroes, and... an interesting villain?!

In what may well be a series first, Jason Momoa created a memorable and distinctive villain: Dante. And he doesn't let the serious business of global carnage and bloody vengeance prevent him from having fun. Doing his best Joker impersonation, Momoa went camp, crazy, and thoroughly OTT, but was far and away the highlight of the unfortunate 10th entry into the flagging Fast & Furious franchise.

The rest of the cast have long since settled into well-worn grooves and, while they went through the motions and grumbling about family, Momoa splashed personality and drip across every frame.

Did Dante make Fast X a good film? Unfortunately not, no. But he did elevate it and, if some scenery got chewed in the process, that's a small price to pay.

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