10 Great Rites Of Passage Movies

8. Rocky (1976)

As far as rites of passage go, this one goes for the belt. Enter Sylvester Stallone as the carcass-punching, turtle-loving, nail-spitting, lightning-eating, thunder-crapper, Rocky Balboa. This rite of passage is about being able to say you seized opportunity by the horns and gave it your all, but obviously done in an 'all or nothing' kind of way that only the magic of the silver screen can deliver. Although he may start out as a mopey loan shark henchmen, the mantra of Rocky has always been 'never give up' and 'go the distance'. How many times does he visit Adrian in the pet shop and get no love? If the opportunity is there, Rocks doesn't waste it. The drive to take more than life has given you and rise above your given status is always inspiring. Rocky's rite of passage to go from a dead-end bum to a high-flyer is conveniently told through one of the most iconic montages of all time because THAT is the moment we see him earning his passage, we feel he deserves whatever he achieves - it's about being able to look in the mirror and finally be proud, to shrug off the abuse of the past and climb out of the social muck. Rocky is a simple man, a fighter to the bone; trying to gain a title to feel respected may seem shallow to some, but not through the context of Rocky's eyes. Fighting is how he channels his outlook on life and regardless of title-chasing, it's about doing your best not being the best. If you claim you don't start shadowboxing as soon as the credits role, chances are you're kidding yourself.

Film Graduate, tea chugging, whiskey sipping metal head. Love of films, video games and a perfectly healthy appreciation for comic books. Black Bolt is the greatest superhero and Rock Me Amadeus is the best song ever made. No, don't argue.