10 Great Sci-Fi Horror Movies (No One Ever Talks About)

1. The Hidden

Dead and Buried
New Line Cinema

How's this for a pitch:

FBI Agent Dale Cooper takes on the most dangerous serial killer he's ever crossed paths with... The Thing.

Okay, so admittedly 1987's police procedural/sci-fi horror mash up The Hidden isn't actually a crossover between John Carpenter's body horror classic and David Lynch's trippy mystery Twin Peaks. But this one does star a pre-Peaks Kyle MacLachlan as its straight-shooting police officer hero, and he is hot on the trail of an alien parasite that drives those it infects to murderous madness.

This results in all manner of thrilling chases, crunchy, punchy action, and moments of intense body horror as the body hopping monster attempts to give the boys in blue the slip. A cop thriller that marries the classic serial killer chase format with a new villain in the form of an alien parasite is an ingenious idea and the film takes full advantage of the conceit.

It's one thing to succeed as a horror, as a sci-fi film, or as a cop thriller alone. But for one underrated eighties classic to effectively straddle all three genres means this one more than earned its top spot on this list.

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