10 Great Sci-Fi Movies Where The Aliens Walk Among Us

6. Men In Black

Sometimes, creatures from outer space come in all shapes and sizes - and nevertheless somehow manage to squeeze themselves into a human body. With that much interstellar traffic it takes a specially trained team of secretive government agents to keep them all in check - introducing the Men in Black. Men in Black are a staple of conspiracy lore and the movie of the same name certainly plays every reference in the book and throws in a healthy dose of big budget action and sidekick comedy to boot. Agents K and J (played with ultra cool style by Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith) working for the eponymous government agency soon find themselves hot on the heels of The Bug, a highly dangerous alien threatening to destroy Earth. Cue shape shifting aliens, exotic futuristic weaponry and action galore. Men in Black remains today a classic example of how to do a summer blockbuster properly. Rick Baker's character design is inventively over the top, the script by Ed Solomon bristles with wit and warmth and the performances are delivered with aplomb, most notably the two leads, with Jones's surly, stoic old-timer bouncing off Smith's loud-mouthed young upstart in one great scene after another. Few Hollywood bl0ckbusters deliver as much fun as Men in Black.

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