10 Greatest Astronauts In Film History

2. Doug Smith - Cat-Women Of The Moon (1953)

Astronauts - Film - Cat Women of the Moon I know, I know. It's a bad movie. It was billed as the most startling movie of the century in even more startling 3-D. It teased us with immortal and beautiful (implied) lesbians just waiting for a group of men to come along so they could steal their spaceship and invade earth. It took place on the then-unknown dark side of the moon. The space suits, with helmets that oddly enough didn't match each other, looked like bath robes. The cat-women were telepathic and had the ability to teleport. There were giant moon spiders attacking the poor lesbians. This movie had it all! As a fan of these cheesy black-and-white movies, I had to include this one. Why He's Great: Doug Smith and the boys stopped an invasion of Earth all by themselves, and Doug got lesbian cat-woman Lamba to switch teams. Awesome!!
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Tim is a varied character. He's lived on three continents. He hates ice cream. He has been a highly-paid computer programmer. He invents collectible card games. He is a coffee shop owner. He has had fantasy stories published in magazines. Eventually he wishes to retire from life and become a professional 10-pin bowler who writes articles while living in his RV and traveling from bowling tournament to bowling tournament with his faithful wife in tow. And of course, Tim is a major horror and science fiction fan.