10 Greatest Blu-ray & DVD Packaging Ever

7. Vengeance Trilogy Deluxe Edition

Unassuming and eye-catchingly pretty as this collection of Park Chan-Wook€™s Vengeance Trilogy is, the name kind of gives it away that we should expect something a little more sinister inside the intricately patterned gift box. Lo and behold, what do we find nestled among the films but a replica hammer, modelled after Oh Dae-Su€™s weapon of choice in Park€™s modern classic Oldboy. In addition to being a fearsome reminder of the balletic violence from the film, it also serves as a handy bottle opener. A neat set of blueprints for weapons from the films is included, but we€™ve a feeling most new owners of the package will be far more interested in threatening their friends with impromptu dental appointments...
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Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.