10 Greatest Christ Figures In Film

1. Luke Jackson (Cool Hand Luke)

Above all else, Paul Newman's Luke Jackson is an incredibly likeable fellow who is rarely without a smile on his face. It is the central tragedy of Cool Hand Luke that its titular character pays the ultimate price for what starts out as a harmless prank, vandalising some parking meters that are easily replaced. Luke proves himself to be a leader who the other prisoners look up, though he does it without compromising his loveable personality or without resorting to brutality. But is Newman€™s character more than just a cool guy we€™d love to share a few beers with? The answer is a resounding yes €“ the religious symbolism surrounding Luke is at times extremely apparent and he is certainly one of cinema€™s great Christ-figures. After getting himself through the notorious challenge of eating fifty hard-boiled eggs, Luke is depicted lay drained on a table with his arms spread out in an obvious crucifix position. An even more glaring visual motif is used for the final frame of the film as we are shown a road junction clearly in the shape of a cross with a photograph of Luke superimposed over it; an image which comes shortly after Luke€™s tragic death. The demise of the film€™s hero is brought about by Dragline who betray him to the authorities; in this regard he may be understood as being the Judas to Luke€™s Jesus. Warner Bros.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.