10 Greatest Christ Figures In Film

10. Taxi Driver

You may have to see past the intensely disturbing violence in the film€™s last act, but it is hard to deny that aspects of Travis Bickle€™s character bare resemblance to Christ. In the aforementioned bloody climax, Bickle must demonstrate the self-sacrifice which is a fundamental aspect of the Christ-figure as he risks his life to save under-age prostitute Iris from the consuming filth of New York City. In one of Bickle€™s many entrancing monologues, he describes himself as God€™s lonely man implying that €“ like with Jesus €“ God has set Bickle aside from the rest of humanity. The religious parables in Bickle€™s speech don€™t stop there €“ the €œreal rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets€ is deeply reminiscent of the Great Flood described in Genesis. The violence means he uses and the unstable nature of Bickle€™s character makes it difficult to propose that he should appear higher up the list, despite being an incredible character. His show of altruism for Iris is certainly Christ-like, but the means he uses to liberate her are not. However, Travis Bickle€™s example reminds us of the many acts of violence committed in the name of religion and more specifically Christianity, ranging from the Crusades to the Orange Volunteers in Ireland and many more besides.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.