10 Greatest Clint Eastwood Movies

6. For A Few Dollars More (1965)

For A Few Dollars More - edited for article For a Few Dollars More stars Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef as rival bounty hunters that hunt down the ruthless gang leader El Indio. It was the highest grossing movie in Italian history and it built brilliantly on the foundation of A Fistful of Dollars (the movie to which it was 'kind of a sequel'). The use of music is better than just about anything that ever came before - especially in the case of the musical pocket watch used by El Indio during his duels. Speaking of duels, it features what could be argued as the best duel in the history of cinema at the end - and there's also a very good scene where Eastwood and Van Cleef's bounty hunters first meet. Still though, it isn't perfect. There are definitely parts where it seems to drag a little too much, and it is mainly on the strength of two or three scenes that it is in the top 10 at all - in complete contrast with Mystic River it's fortunate in that the best scene in the entire movie is also one of the last scenes. It's also helped by very good performances from all three leads - and from great utilisation of the classic Leone extreme close-up shots.

Matt finds it amusing when people write these little bios about themselves in the third person.