10 Greatest Comic Book Movie Endings

2. Captain America: The First Avenger - A Cap Out Of Time

Joker Calling Card
Marvel Studios

Admittedly, this one loses some of its sting if you knew it was coming - and anyone in the audience with even a passing knowledge of the comics will have - but can you imagine how shocked the uninitiated were when Captain America: The First Avenger's period setting gave way to the chaos of modern-day Times Square?

Although the final battle between Cap and the Red Skull is largely forgettable, the emotional payoff as the hero sets a date with Peggy Carter when his doomed mission reaches its climax dispels the World War II backdrop on a memorable note.

The twist is expertly paced, with Rogers seemingly awakening in a 1940s medical facility, but it isn't long before he realises something is amiss and SHIELD's faux hospital makes way for the neon lights and cacophony of New York City as we know it.

If that wasn't enough, the movie goes on to set up the Avengers during its post-credits sequence, and those who caught it in cinemas were then treated to a teaser trailer for the long-awaited superhero team-up.


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