6. Dylan Rhodes (Now You See Me)

Summit Entertainment/Lions GateThe greatest thing about this genius and his plan is that nobody, not the other characters nor the audience, has the slightest idea that it's even happening. The main plot of Now You See Me involved four magicians bought together by a mysterious benefactor in order to execute his master plan, of which we are unaware. The bulk of the film involves the four of them stealing large amounts of money from various parties in a very public manner whilst being pursued in vain by an increasingly frustrated FBI agent Dylan Rhodes. Assuming you read the heading, you know where this is going. As the climax of the movie comes to a head, the four tricksters are about to pull what they announce is their final heist. Rhodes and the other authorities arrive on the scene but are too late to stop them disappearing with a safe full of cash. As the magicians meet up in a park, they comes face to face with their benefactor: Rhodes himself. The whole thing had been orchestrated by him as a way of getting back at the company (whose money they had stolen) who had refused to pay out the insurance on the death of his father, a legendary escape artist. Not once during the entire film was this hinted at, yet as Rhodes recounts just how his hand guided the group at every turn, it suddenly all makes sense. In a very rare forehead smacking moment, it all comes together with the audience and even better still, Rhodes and the four magicians walk away clean.