10 Greatest Cut To Black Movie Endings EVER

1. Eyes Wide Shut

The Matrix Keanu Reeves
Warner Bros.

Trust Stanley Kubrick to conclude his phenomenal career with one of the greatest and most hilariously unexpected cut-to-black endings in cinema history.

Kubrick's erotic mystery-drama Eyes Wide Shut ends with Bill (Tom Cruise) coming clean to his wife Alice (Nicole Kidman) about his insane infiltration of a masked orgy, before the pair go Christmas shopping with their daughter the next day.

At the toy store, the pair appear to reach an agreement that their various escapades and flirtations with infidelity need not define their entire relationship, even if Alice isn't quite sure about the notion of staying together forever.

However, she tells Bill that she loves him, and that there's something "very important" they need to do as soon as possible. When Bill asks what, Alice simply replies, "F**k." Kubrick then holds on her face for two seconds before cutting to black.

It's such a perfect moment on which to end this aggressively ambiguous, mysterious story - a line that's at once intriguing, provocative, and very funny. That it's the last thing Kubrick ever contributed to cinema just makes it that much more iconic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.