10 Greatest Ever Noble Sacrifices In Film

8. Ken Daley - In Bruges

Baymax Sacrifice Big Hero 6
Focus Features

Martin McDonagh’s black comedy may be profane and offensive in parts, but it’s also surprisingly poignant too. At one stage during their trip to picturesque Bruges, Brendan Gleeson’s hitman Ken is tasked with taking out his bungling partner Ray (Colin Farrell), an act he cannot bring himself to commit thanks to the bond the two have forged on their sojourn.

Eventually he even finds himself vouching for Ray’s life to their psychotic boss Harry (Ralph Fiennes). However after meeting Harry at the top of Bruges’ belfry and realising his pleas have fallen on deaf ears, Ken tries to intervene and is badly wounded in the process.

Upon spotting Ray below the tower unaware of Harry’s close proximity, Ken hauls himself to the edge of the tower and throws himself off. As he lands with a crunching splat, it tips Ray off that his life is in danger and buys him just enough time to start running.

Part of what makes this so touching is that Ken recognises there is some good in Ray, he sees that his friend is not beyond redemption despite the terrible things he has done. His brave and selfless act is testament to just how much he cares about his protégé. He's attempting to give Ray another chance, even if it's at the expense of his own life.

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Big Hero 6
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A freelance TV and Film writer based in Manchester.