10 Greatest Ever Noble Sacrifices In Film

2. T-800 - Terminator 2

Baymax Sacrifice Big Hero 6
TriStar Pictures

Few other movie characters can lay claim to being both a legendary badass villain in one movie and then a genuine hero in another. The T-800 graces both ends of this spectrum however, going from major baddie in The Terminator, to heroic guardian in Terminator 2. Sworn to protect John Connor at all costs, he forms a close connection with the future resistance leader and becomes a much-needed father figure along the way as well. Glimpses of genuine humanity appear to sneak through as he shows unwavering loyalty and dedication to his duty.

At T2’s climax, with the T-1000 finally dispatched of and Judgement Day almost averted, the T-800 realises that one last piece of Skynet software still exists and must be destroyed. As tearful goodbyes are exchanged, Arnie’s “I know now why you cry” is surprisingly moving considering it is coming from an emotionless robot (the T-800 that is, not Arnie).

A major contributory factor which helps make this scene so striking is Brad Fiedel’s triumphant score soaring in the background, heightening the tension and oozing dramatic power. You know when watching this whole sequence that it’s a machine that is choosing to terminate itself, but he’s proven himself such a hero over the course of the movie its hard not to want him to survive it all.

As the T-800 lowers himself slowly into molten lava he gives the most devastating thumbs up in movie history and then with that, he’s gone. Hasta La Vista old friend.

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Big Hero 6
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A freelance TV and Film writer based in Manchester.