10 Greatest Ever Tom Hanks Movie Performances

3. Captain Richard Phillips - Captain Phillips

Captain Phillips Tom Hanks
Sony/Columbia Pictures

On the surface Captain Phillips is the third 'stranded Tom Hanks' film in the trilogy, see Apollo 13 for Tom Hanks stranded in space and Cast Away for a stranded Tom Hanks on an island. Captain Phillips however is a non stop thriller seeing the crew of the MV Maersk Alabama try and survive an attack from Somali pirates.

Hanks plays a less heroic character, an interesting and bold choice, as the reserved titular Phillips who is more focused on preserving his own life than that of his crew when he is dethroned as Captain by Abduwali Muse. Watching Hanks' gradual regression from the most powerful man on the boat to the least powerful as he is bundled into a lifeboat is astonishing as he becomes a cowering wreck at the sight of his captors.

The final scene where he has been rescued is a masterclass in acting as he is submitted to the infirmary and finally opens up after the abuse he has suffered at the hands of the Somali pirates. Seeing a disorientated and tearful Philips struggle to answer the doctors question before breaking down and asking if his family know he is safe is heartbreaking. Even more incredible is that the most emotional scene in the movie was very nearly not filmed. It was a late idea by the director to have real professionals treat him as if he were a patient and let Hanks improvise.


An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).