10 Greatest Fake Out Deaths In Movie History

1. Gandalf Falls To His Non-Death (Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring)

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" It's one of the greatest rallying cries in movie history, but one that unfortunately preludes the untimely death of Gandalf the Grey. When taking the "dark, secret way" through the Mines of Moria, to help Frodo and his merry gang of adventurers expedite their quest to destroy the wicked ring, they encounter nearly every form of evil: Orcs, a mountain troll, and a terrifying Balrog. In an effort to stop the Balrog and let the others escape, Gandalf puts himself directly in harm's way, and pays the price. The sight of him falling off that bridge and into the void is undoubtedly one of the saddest moments of the trilogy. What makes it both more cruel and more awesome is the fact that we have to wait until the next instalment to witness his glorious return. Thanks to a physical healing, courtesy of the Lady of Light Galadriel, he would come back better than ever. Bathed in a glow of a bright light, Gandalf presents himself to the group, reborn as Gandalf the White. Which other not-dead players belong on this list? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.