10 Greatest Fake Out Endings In Movies

8. The Simpsons Movie

Waynes World

Because bamboozling audiences with a nude Bart Simpson (Nancy Cartwright) apparently wasn't enough, The Simpsons Movie also decided to pull the rug out from viewers at the end of its second act with a delicious fake ending.

Act two concludes with Homer (Dan Castellaneta) finding a VHS message from Marge (Julie Kavner), where she informs him that the family has left him due to his selfish behaviour, with Marge even taping over their wedding video to hammer the point home.

A distraught Homer then sets off in search of his family, as we fade to black and a "To be continued" title card appears on the screen.

It seemingly suggests that audiences have been nickel-and-dimed with a mere hour-long movie and will need to pony up again to see the sequel resolve everything.

Thankfully audiences didn't have long to get disgruntled, though, as a few seconds later the word "Immediately" appears on-screen, and the expected third act begins.

If you're gonna make a movie based on a TV show, you may as well toy around with the conventions of the feature-length format, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.