10 Greatest Horror Movies Never Made

6. Night Skies

I Am Legend

Steven Spielberg has directed and produced some of the greatest movies ever made, which is why a project based on a "real-life" account of a family terrorized by aliens sounded like a good idea. Night Skies was ready to launch with Spielberg attached as producer and Tobe Hooper tapped to direct, but it never saw the light of day.

Spielberg's involvement may have been what eventually killed this project due to the studio's desire to have a sequel made for Close encounters of the Third Kind, which is something he steadfastly opposed. Instead of making Night Skies, he adapted it into other projects. This led him to use it as inspiration for another small project he was working on, E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial.

He later lent elements of Night Skies to other films he produced including Poltergeist and Gremlins, both of which were similar in tone to what Night Skies might have been.

If you're wondering about Night Skies ever being made, you can forget about it. The source material has been used up and adapted into so many films, there's no chance Spielberg will make the original concept into a film.

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Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer, and game designer. Jonathan retired from the U.S. Army in 2017 and enjoys researching and writing about history, science, theology, and many other subjects. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: jonathanhkantor.com