10 Greatest James Bond Movie Opening Title Sequences

6. A View To A Kill (1985)

Regardless of Roger Moore's rapidly advancing years, the title sequence for his final entry in the Bond series went hip, young and very very eighties.

Duran Duran's new wave/synthpop hit (co-written by John Barry) is unlike most other Bond songs, in that it rarely strays close to anything resembling 'classic' Bond tropes or sounds. Instead, it is a three minute dose of camp 1980s nostalgia that acts as if it did not have anything to lose. And, given Moore was leaving for good, it kind of didn't.

Decadent melting ice sculptures and inexplicable downhill skiing gymnasts mark this sequence out as a Maurice Binder piece, but the titles otherwise use human models in remarkably grounded settings.

Nonetheless, neon lips, neon nails, neon hair, neon guns and neon... uhh, scarves... all bathed in darkness, give the titles a club-like ambience that pairs perfectly, like drink and disco dancing, with the track's synthesisers - headlined by an expanding neon 007 logo between a woman's breasts.

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