1. Ronin
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVaNBrYLvFg John Frankenheimer directs the Hell out of this car chase, the most visceral and thrilling ever filmed, from Ronin, a competent thriller entirely elevated by chase sequences that emphasise speed like no other film. There are three exhilarating chases in the film, but it's the above one that really takes the cake, and we attribute the film's kinetic quality to Frankenheimer employing Formula One pilots as stunt drivers, tearing vehicles such as the Audi S8, BMW M5 and Mercedes-Benz 6.9 around the narrow Parisian streets with seemingly little regard for other vehicles or, indeed, other people. The incredible sense of speed and the precarious nature of the roads accentuate the sheer desperation of these characters to catch one another, especially when they're forced to drive against traffic, and Frankenheimer keeps his camera inside the vehicle, giving us the ultimate view of some insanely awesome stunt driving. It's incredible that Frankenheimer got permission to have the cars driven so (seemingly) recklessly, but alas, that's the real craft of an amazing chase; make it look dangerous even when it's perfectly controlled. What's your favourite movie car chase of all time? Let us know in the comments below.