10 Greatest Movie Extra Performances Ever

6. The Big Gulps Guys - Dumb & Dumber

The Avengers
New Line Cinema

Dumb and Dumber remains one of the most iconic and endlessly quotable comedies of all time, and perhaps its single most repeated line occurs when Lloyd (Jim Carrey) leaves a convenience store, comes across two guys drinking Big Gulps and awkwardly says, "Big gulps, huh? Alright. Welp, see ya later!"

A few years ago, director Peter Farrelly not only confirmed that Jim Carrey improvised the awe-inspiring line on the spot, but that the two extras in the scene weren't even supposed to be there.

The two men drinking Big Gulps were simply watching the scene being shot when Farrelly felt that they would fit the scene well and decided to drag them in. In his own words:

"They happened to have Big Gulps and Jim just ran with it. True story."

And yet, despite doing nothing more than staring at Jim Carrey and giving him a knowing nod, they immediately entered the pantheon of legendary movie extras. The fact that they completed the shot without bursting into laughter at Carrey's bizarre ad-lib is some award-worthy restraint.

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The Avengers
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.