10 Greatest Movies Never Made

5. Night Skies

Joel Ryan/AP

After the success of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Columbia Pictures wanted Spielberg to deliver a sequel, of which he had no intention of doing. Instead he started developing a significantly dark film that featured extraterrestrials - the movie was said to be based upon reports of paranormal activity in the 1950's.

Spielberg never planned on directing the film and drafted in the thoroughly independent John Sayles to co-write and direct the movie. At the time, Sayles was most well known for writing Piranha, though he would later receive some much deserved acclaim for City of Hope. Sayles drew inspiration from the western genre and much of his work is what inspired E.T. - Spielberg's finest film. Fundamental differences between Sayles and Spielberg led to them parting amicably and whilst working on Raiders of the Lost Ark, Spielberg came to the conclusion he wanted to make something more warm-hearted than the Night Skies he and Sayles had envisioned.

Whilst Night Skies never even reached the production phrase, it's influence is paramount. E.T. would never have been made without John Sayles' work on the movie and things such as Tobe Hooper's Poltergeist and Spielberg's own adaptation of War of the Worlds have been inspired by the concept of Night Skies. Meanwhile, John Sayles directed The Brother from Another Planet, a very funny take on E.T. that was undoubtedly influenced by his time working with Spielberg.


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