10 Greatest ‘One Shot’ Scenes In Movie History

1. Creed

Creed does not contain the longest One-Shot on this list. It does not contain the most technically impressive One-Shot on this list. It does not contain the most complexly choreographed One-Shot on this list. It does not even contain the most critically acclaimed One-Shot on this list.

What it does contain, is the most engrossing One-Shot on this list. Which, for a cinematic trope designed purely to raise your sense of immersion, is absolutely all that counts. Creed's 4-minute long fight scene, that puts the camera in the ring with the two combatants for the duration of two, increasingly brutal rounds, leaves you breathless.

“Everybody thinks we’re cheating, but that is one shot", cinematographer Maryse Alberti insisted when quizzed on how they put it together. Despite all the clever editing we've seen on this list so far, and all the seamless ways filmmakers have found to make things appear to be done in one shot, cinema's best example in rest years was the real thing.

It might have required 12 takes to get it right (the one in the film is number 10), but it's entirely untouched by an entior's scalpel.

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