10 Greatest ‘One Shot’ Scenes In Movie History

6. Serenity

So, your TV show was cancelled midway through its first season and you've been given the illustrious platform of a motion picture in order to write this particular wrong. You know you're going to get the show's hardcore audience packing out theatres and, thus, don't need to spell things out for them, but you've also got a much bigger audience you can't afford to alienate and confuse in the process. What do?

Well, in the case of Serenity, you make one of your opening scenes a near-5-minute unbroken Meet The Gang affair that perfectly gets across everyone's personality and role on the ship, all while the rickety nature of Serenity herself buckles the set around them.

Fans of the show enjoyed it because it was a quick reminder of the characters they love, and those just along for the ride got a great introduction to what they'd been missing. Plus, as far as proving that the show could make the leap to the bigger production values of cinema, this works as well as all the shiny visual effects shots that followed combined.

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