10 Greatest Opening Scenes In Comic Book Movie History

2. Bane's Mid-Air Escape - The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan had a lot to live up to with the brilliance of The Dark Knight's opening scene, and though the prologue of The Dark Knight Rises didn't manage to outdo it, it certainly lived up to the previous film's greatness with this audacious escape sequence. After a brief word from Jim Gordon on Harvey Dent's demise, we cut to a CIA agent who is after Bane, who takes three hooded men aboard his plane to interrogate them about his whereabouts. When one of the men speaks up, his bizarre vocal pattern indicates he's no ordinary man, and when the agent removes his hood, it's revealed to be Bane himself. Bane explains how he intended to be captured, and that he's now going to crash the plane (with no survivors). And so, Bane's ingenious plan blasts into action, as another plane latches itself onto the plane they are inside, and four of Bane's mercenaries assault the plane, killing all the CIA passengers, leaving just Bane, his men and Dr. Pavel. Bane then siphons some of Pavel's blood into a corpse they load onto the plane (to make the CIA believe Pavel is dead), before hooking up to the other plane in a harness. And at that moment, the CIA plane is detached, dropping to the ground below, while Pavel and Bane soar through the air, still hooked onto the other plane. Staged like a bravura sequence from a classic James Bond film, this daring mid-air escape makes it clear how smart Bane is, and with phrases like "Now is not the time for fear, that comes later", we're instantly intrigued about what is to come.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.