10 Greatest Plot Twists In The History Of Cinema

7. Se7en (1995)

New Line Cinema

The Plot: A serial killer obsessed with the seven deadly sins (Kevin Spacey) kills a victim for each. Detectives Somerset and Mills (Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, respectively) try to stop him before he completes his Machiavellian master plan. The first (but not last) film by David Fincher to feature on this list.

The Twist: John Doe (Spacey) leads the detectives into the desert with the promise of the two final bodies that will make up his own twisted version of The Roots of Behaviour. When they arrive Somerset is presented with a box. In the box is the head of Mills€™ wife, whom Doe killed out of envy. Doe then challenges Mills to kill him€”the wrath that will wrap it all up.

Why It€™s Great: Firstly, if you don€™t know the twist going into the film, then there€™s no way you expect it to be her head. Secondly, Doe then reveals to Mills that she was pregnant. Thirdly, Mills shoots Doe in the head, thus completing the cardinal vices. It€™s a layered twist with an emotional punch that also gave birth to Mills€™ €˜what€™s in the box?€™ question, a now classic line of film lexicon. If that€™s not enough for you, then keep in mind that another classic twist occurred in Se7en, when Kevin Spacey appeared as John Doe, causing unknowing audiences to twist and shout (sorry) in both delight and shock.


No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?