Christopher Guest's 2000 mockumentary follows the typically eccentric entrants of a prestigious dog show, the most entertaining of which are Gerry and Cookie Fleck (played by Eugene Levy and Catherine O' Hara). Recalling how they met, Gerry says that, in her prime, Cookie had had ''dozens of boyfriends." "Hundreds," Cookie corrects him, with a smile. ''I... did not know that,'' comes Gerry's awkward response, clearly uncomfortable with having to discover such news whilst on camera. As they progress through the competition, the couple cannot help but bump into a selection (and yet, it seems, only a small fraction) of Cookie's former conquests. They start with a visit to her ex-boyfriend Max Berman, who reminds her of ''that time with you and me at the lake'' - much to her husband's consternation. Later, another lover reminds her of the time on the rollercoaster. Then, at a pre-show cocktail party, another old flame dismisses subtlety altogether and tells Cookie ''I banged a lot of waitresses in my time but you, you were the best." And later still, the couple's spot in a recording studio is interrupted by a man who claims to recognise Cookie from somewhere. As way of introduction, he sings: ''I'm not wearing underwear." ''Bulge? Get outta town!" shrieks Cookie, excitedly. The look on Gerry's face - well, the image above says it all.
Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit