10 Greatest Unspoken Action Movie Plot Points

4. Airlines Let You Carry Swords In This Universe - Kill Bill Volume 1

V For Vendetta

The Kill Bill movies take place in a world that's somewhat recognisable and yet clearly heightened and detached from our own reality, as is perhaps best evidenced when The Bride (Uma Thurman) hops on a plane in Volume 1.

Look closely and you'll see that those "arm rests" on the plane seats are actually sword holders, with The Bride keeping her samurai sword sheathed at her side.

It's such a ridiculous yet fascinating detail, that in the world of the Kill Bill movies enough people carry swords - and they're enough of an accepted, daily tool no less - that airlines let you take them on planes and seemingly even actively cater to them.

Perhaps it's simply a perk afforded by the film's fictional airline, Air O, but all the same it says a lot about the world of the movie, where violence is evidently just a part of doing business in daily life.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.