10 Greatest Unspoken Movie Plot Points

6. John Doe Knew Tracy Was Pregnant From The Beginning - Se7en

Brad Pitt Inglourious Basterds
New Line Cinema

The unforgettable ending to David Fincher's Se7en sees serial killer John Doe (Kevin Spacey) reveal to Detective Mills (Brad Pitt) that not only has he killed his wife Tracy (Gwyneth Paltrow), but that she was pregnant with his child.

It's a cruel, brutal ending, and while the ending leads us to believe that Doe only found out about Tracy's pregnancy when she begged for her life, Se7en's opening credits tell a different story entirely.

The film's fantastically grimy opening titles sequence provides vague glimpses into the life of Doe as he writes in his diary, develops photos, and performs research for his intended victims.

Almost half-way through the credits (1:07 in the clip below), for around half a second we can see Doe reading a page of a book with the header "When you're pregnant," before Doe redacts the word "pregnant."

While the opening titles aren't strictly canon - after all, why would Doe redact the word out of his own reading materials? - it does suggest that Doe knew Tracy was pregnant before she told him.

If we accept that Doe became obsessed with Mills' personal life over the course of the movie's cat-and-mouse game, it's totally plausible that he kept tabs on Tracy too, either rooting through her trash or intercepting files at her doctor's office to learn about her pregnancy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.