10 Greatest Unspoken Sci-Fi Movie Plot Points

7. The T-1000's Wardrobe Fail (Because It Malfunctions) - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Children Of Men

The Special Edition of Terminator 2 introduces a plot point that's basically cut in its entirety from the more widely-seen theatrical release.

After the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) is frozen with liquid nitrogen and shot, it reforms into its typical human disguise albeit with some "glitching" side effects, where it struggles to maintain its desired form due to the damage it took from being frozen.

In the Special Edition we see the T-1000's hands and boots unintentionally mimicking the surrounding environment, but effectively every indication of this is cut from the theatrical version, ensuring the vast majority of people who've seen T2 have no idea about it.

But there is one single clever hint to the T-1000 malfunctioning in the theatrical version: when the T-1000 first arrives at the steel mill at the end of the movie, keep your eyes on its clothes.

For the most part the T-1000 is wearing the same cop getup it wore for the vast majority of the movie, except that it's wearing the boots of the traffic cop it assimilated shortly before being frozen.

Basically, the T-1000 has glitched out and combined two cop outfits into one slightly ill-fitting ensemble. It's far from obvious, but a brilliantly subtle indication that the T-1000 is having serious trouble keeping things together.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.