10 Greatest Villain Introductions In Movie History

1. Darth Vader - Star Wars

The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sometimes a character doesn't need to utter a single word or even raise their hand and you still know for a fact that they're not a figure to be messed with.

And that was undoubtedly the case when everyone's favourite Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader first appeared from the clouds of blaster smoke on a Rebel ship in Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope.

Everything from that unmistakable black helmet, to the roaring brass that accompanies him, to those early first few iconic heavy breaths all rapidly cemented the one-time Anakin Skywalker as one of the most unnerving villains many had ever seen back in 1977.

And if that wasn't enough, The Emperor's apprentice then only went and unleashed a thunderous James Earl Jones growl as the half machine Force-user choked the actual life out of one of the scum aboard Princess Leia's vessel.

Everyone remembers the very first time they witnessed the galaxy far, far away's most memorable face storm onto the screen. Simply put, villain introductions don't get any more iconic, impressive, or intimidating than the arrival of Luke and Leia's angry pops.

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