10 Groundbreaking Movie Special Effects (That Aged TERRIBLY)
1. Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Special Edition)
Do you know what the saddest thing is about the Star Wars special edition trilogy? Originally, it actually sounded like a great idea. Even though the visuals in George Lucas' work were lightyears ahead of every movie in its heyday, some special effects have aged very badly.
So, when Lucas announced he would rerelease the Star Wars movies with refined effects, added CGI, unseen footage, and newly recorded dialogue, fans were over the moon. And when you first watched the special edition versions, it was nice to see fully rendered CG characters rather than an amateur-looking puppet or a crummy animatronic.
But when you look at these sequences now, the computer-generated imagery feels forced and jarring. What's most infuriating is how the majority of these effects are utterly redundant. Why was there a music number in Return of the Jedi? Did we need to see a Stormtrooper ride a dewback? And why did Lucas feel obligated to insert more rocks in the scene where R2D2 hides from Jawas??
The only good thing that came about this experiment is that movies should be left untouched, even if they seem outdated.