10 Gruesome RoboCop Moments That Prove PG-13 Is Insane

1. Murphy€™s Death

murphy dies Emil might have the most grotesque death of the film but Alex Murphy€™s death is without doubt the most violent. The level of violence inflicted on one person is shocking; every bit of Murphy€™s humanity is erased, making way for his return as an emotionless robot with the memories of a man. Murphy becomes a vengeful ghost who€™s constantly haunted by his memories of the past. He€™s obsessed with finding and killing the people responsible for robbing him of his life. It€™s fitting that such an extreme act of violence gives birth to an extremely violent character. Violence begets violence is an on-going theme in Paul Verhoeven€™s Robocop. Characters that are violent in nature die very violent deaths. The Boddicker gang are responsible for their deaths because by killing Alex Murphy in such a violent fashion it forces Robocop seek out vengeance. Paul Verhoeven€™s Robocop is master class in the use of violence as a plot device in film. It€™s a level of film making that just wouldn€™t have been possible if they were to cut the film for a PG-13 rating. What are your thoughts on Robocop€™s PG-13 rating? Are films sacrificing anything by aiming for a lower rating? Let us know in the comments section below.

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