10 Harry Potter Plot-Holes That Are Actually Aren't
8. Why Did The Death Eater's Not Remove Harry's Glasses When Duelling Voldemort?
The Plot-Hole
The claim is that, had Voldermort removed Harry’s glasses during their duel in Goblet of Fire the now visually-impaired Harry he would have been easily beaten.
But Wait...
Harry is not blind: his eyesight may be poor enough to require glasses but he can still see without them. Even should his vision be little more than a watery blur, if the blur is moving and talking with Voldemort’s voice then that is where the danger lies.
More importantly, this is The Boy Who Lived, the wizard who had ostensibly defeated him as a mere baby. Voldemort needed to dispel any notion that Harry was special: handicap him in any way and Voldemort sows doubt as to his own supremacy, doubt that, at that moment, could have shaken the faith of his supporters.
In the end the point is moot as Harry, even with perfect eyesight, would never defeat Voldemort in a fair duel, something that all fans know. And so, this is not a plot-hole, or even a plot convenience, but a case of fans doing as we do and, bless our little hearts, being characteristically pedantic.