10 Harsh Truths About The MCU Fans Won't Admit

8. Internal Continuity Is All Over The Place

Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

A common issue that occurs with expanded universes of films, television series, comic books and video games, is that eventually some of its previously established facts start to not make sense. Pull at the plot devices of the Fantastic Beasts films just a little bit, and you'll see how misshapen they are within the Harry Potter universe.

Quick Hint: Don't even try to make the Metal Gear Solid universe make sense, you'll end up with a migraine.

For what it's worth, the MCU has done well to maintain some level of consistency with it's in-universe factoids. But as time has gone by and the galaxy of characters has expanded further, the mask of intelligence within the franchise has started to slip.

The existence of the Infinity Stones posits the crossover of magic-wielding sorcerers with the alien gods of Asgard long before Thanos' planet started dying and Captain Rogers fell into the ice. With that in mind, does that mean that mighty and wise Odin was aware of the magicians of Earth? And if so, was he aware of a genocidal titan looking to bring all the stones together?

Pulling back these questions even further asks even more philosophical questions such as what does the existence of Thor, Celestials, wizards and sacrificing those you love for cosmic gemstones do to the concept of religions of the Earth. While we could sit here and debate it for hours, the truth is the MCU has tied itself in knots quite a bit now with how the foundations of its universe stands.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!