10 Heart-Breaking Moments Of Self-Realisation That Defined Great Movies

1. Toy Story - Buzz Lightyear Is A Toy

Buzz Lightyear

Even before the heart-wrenching resolution to the toys' story with Andy at the end of Toy Story 3, the franchise is littered with hugely emotional moments that are each far more poignant than you might usually associate with kids films. Ranking high on that list is Jessie's song about being abandoned, Wheezy's tale of being cast off as broken, and the horrible realisation that the rest of the toys have been thrown out or given away at the start of Toy Story 3.

But the single most emotionally devastating moment in the entire set of films is that which confirms for Buzz that he is not the space-faring, infallible hero he thought himself. Propelled charismatically on by an almost ceaseless tide of delusion, Buzz's comedy in the first film comes from his inability to accept what he is (despite freezing along with the other toys when Andy appears,) which in turn adds poignancy to his ultimate moment of self-realisation.

Somewhat unfairly, Buzz is forced to live the moment twice, firstly when his advert appears on Sid's father's TV, and then when he ignores that revelation and believes he can still fly...

Toy Story Gif

With Randy Newman's tender and defiantly delusional "I Will Go Sailing No More" playing in the background, the look on Buzz's face as the penny (and he) drops is heart-breaking.

Did we miss any heart-breaking moments of self-realisation in other movies? Share your favourite moments in the comments thread below.

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