10 Heartbreaking Movie Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere
1. Jojo Discovers His Mother - Jojo Rabbit

While he may be widely regarded for his eccentric style and unique, often silly humour, Taika Waititi manages to appear on this list yet again. This time it's not a villain swearing revenge on the gods of the world, but instead a small boy in Nazi Germany.
If you look at Jojo Rabbit as a comedy about Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) himself, a member of the Hitler Youth whose imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler - played by Waititi - it's bordering on ridiculous. However, if you look at it as a story about a German woman - Scarlett Johansson's Rosie Betzler - risking her life to give a Jewish girl sanctuary in Nazi Germany, it becomes a lot more serious.
There is a good balance between these two tones throughout, but that doesn't stop one of the most harrowing images in recent cinematic memory from coming completely out of the blue.
As Jojo is innocently walking through the town square, distracted by a butterfly, he suddenly and without any warning whatsoever comes across his mother hanging. The image of her shoes dangling at his head height, with her child tying her laces as she had shown him and grasping at his mother's legs, is seared into the mind of anyone who has seen it.