10 Heartbreaking Movie Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere
9. Raleigh Commits Suicide - Would You Rather
As something of a stark contrast to Love Actually, Would You Rather is a grim movie from start to finish. Shepard Lambrick (Jeffrey Combs), a man with too much money and absolutely no regard for the lives of others, brings eight strangers to his house for a demented game of Would You Rather.
Each player naturally had their own reasons for playing, even after the truly horrific nature of the game was established. One of the opening tasks, for example, saw a recovering alcoholic drink a bottle of Scotch for $50,000 - such was the kind of money at stake.
Brittany Snow's Iris played the game to earn money for her brother, Raleigh. More specifically, she played to earn money to cover his leukemia treatment, and if she won, Lambrick promised to use his influence to find a bone marrow donor. In spite of having to eat meat as a vegetarian, being stabbed, and being submerged under water for two minutes while the players around her died, Iris persevered with her brother in her mind and ultimately won the game. After shooting Lucas (Enver Gjokaj) dead, she was the only survivor.
However, when Iris got home at the very end of the movie, the weight of her brother's condition and the feeling of being a burden had gotten the better of him; he had committed suicide.
Not only had Iris lost her brother, she had gone through an excruciatingly painful experience in which she had to kill people, and was essentially tortured, all for nothing.