10 Heartbreaking Movie Moments That Came Out Of Nowhere
7. Shaun & Philip's Heart To Heart - Shaun Of The Dead
Edgar Wright's Cornetto Trilogy - made up of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End - earned its popularity for its comedy and wacky off-the-wall premises such as zombies, murderous cults trying to win a village contest, and aliens taking over the world.
However, all three movies are peppered with emotional moments, one of the best being a conversation between Shaun (Simon Pegg) and Philip (Bill Nighy) in Shaun of the Dead, both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.
Throughout the film, Shaun moans about his mum's partner Philip a lot. He's never liked him, and he's constantly telling people that he is not his actual dad. After Philip gets bitten and Shaun and Co. are heading to the Winchester for safety - to the backdrop of Ed (Nick Frost) trying his best to hit as many zombies with the car as possible - Philip has a heart-to-heart with his stepson.
It's genuinely emotional as he tells Shaun that he has always loved him and only ever wanted what was best for Shaun, which was to grow up strong with someone to look up to. He quietly passes away as Shaun cries for both Philip and the relationship they could have had, before soon attacking the rest of the people in the car as the normality of the film's tone is quickly restored.