10 Heinous Movie Degenerates

1. Last House On The Left - Krug Stillo

Last House On The Left Technically there are three heinous degenerates in the movie - Krug, Weasel and Sadie, but Krug gets singled out here as he is the head baddie. David Hess was apparently a very avuncular man outside of the cinema screen but he had a knack for playing degenerates, as you can see from his turn in House of the Edge of the Park in which he basically reprises the role of Krug. In Last House on the Left, Krug leads his degenerates into kidnapping two young teenage girls - Phyllis and Mari. They are lured to an apartment and when it becomes clear that Krug & Co have nefarious intentions for them, Phyllis tries to escape and is gang raped The dastardly trio take the girls to a forest very close to Mari's house. Krug forces one of the girls to wet herself which is highly degenerate behaviour by anyone's standards. Krug also makes the girls perform sex acts on each other. He carves his name on Mari's chest and then viciously rapes her. As she walks in a daze into the lake, Krug shoots her. The gang unwittingly call at Mari's house, trying to appear respectable but Mari's parents soon get clued into the fact that they killed their daughter. While they plot their revenge, Krug is getting fed up with his heroin addicted son Junior (and please bear in mind that Krug got Junior hooked on smack so he could control him). In a supremely evil act, he coerces Junior into killing himself with a gun. But I spy with my little eye a great big chainsaw coming to put an end to Krug's reign of terror.. Krug is a great villain. His acts are truly heinous to behold and they dominate the screen for the vast amount of the film. The only time he shows any tiny speck of humanity is after he kills one of the girls. Krug, Weasel and Sadie all look a bit sheepish trying to get the blood of their hands. It's a kind of a what have we just done? moment. But apart from that, Krug is a sadistic serial killer and rapist who likes to humiliate, degrade and toy with his victims before killing them. He is the ultimate degenerate scumbag created in cinema.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!