10 Hidden Comedy Horror Movie Gems You Need To Watch

1. Dead Snow 2: Red Vs Dead

Therapy For A Vampire
Well Go USA Entertainment

Dead Snow was far better than it had any right to be, considering it centred around Nazi zombies. With that said, the Norwegian comedy felt like a one-and-done idea. After all, what could a follow-up on the same ridiculous premise offer?

The short answer is plenty. Every kill in Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead has a marvellous blend of dark humour and gruesome horror, leaving viewers lost for words. The most innocent characters are executed in the most mean-spirited way, which is equally shocking and hilarious.

However, what makes Red vs. Dead really stand out is how innovative it is. Not only does our heroic amputee, Martin, have to contend with goose-stepping flesh-eaters, but he becomes his own worst enemy when he has a zombie arm surgically attached to his shoulder. After learning he can use his new limb to revive the dead, Martin fights The Third Reich revenants with his own batch of brain-munching ghouls. Its subversive ideas like this that make Red vs. Dead so entertaining.

Even though Dead Snow was surprisingly popular, many fans didn't bother with the second instalment, assuming it would be the same-old, same-old. But not only is Dead Snow 2 dramatically better, it's one of the most underrated zombie flicks ever.

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