10 Hidden Comedy Horror Movie Gems You Need To Watch

5. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

Therapy For A Vampire
FS Film Oy

In this Krampus-inspired tale, a research company accidentally unearth a monstrous creature while drilling in Lapland.

After a bit of amateur research, young Pietari deduces that the awakened entity is Father Christmas. Unlike how he's been depicted in greeting cards and Coco-Cola commercials, the real Kris Kringle is far more sinister than humanity believed. In order to protect his hometown, Pietari takes it upon himself to stop Santa Claus.

Despite the silly premise, Rare Exports deliberately doesn't play up its comedic potential. Ironically, this makes the film funnier. After all, it's impossible to watch the characters battle a horde of naked elves and take it seriously, no matter how dramatic they play it.

Also, Rare Exports is a prime example of the philosophy that "less is more". Rather than showing all the potential gore, most of the defining moments, including a reindeer massacre and a mass kidnapping, occur off-screen. This was a wise decision, since it allows viewers' imaginations to run wild on what sort of demonic force the townsfolk are facing.

And when Pietari and his father encounter the not-so-jolly-old Saint Nick, the scene is built up with enough tension to leave anyone on the edge of their seat.


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