10 Hidden Details In Opening Horror Movie Scenes

4. Pennywise's Eyes - It

Slither Funeral Home
Warner Bros. Pictures

Another Stephen King adaptation now, but instead of being a nod to another of his books, this tidbit from the opening of 2017's It is just plain creepy.

Everyone knows how this film starts. Georgie's boat goes down the drain, Pennywise gets him to lean in, which the little idiot does. Then the clown takes a chunk out of his arm and drags him to his death. So far, so clear.

But, before any of this even happens, there's a very subtle hint at the fate of the boy in the yellow coat.

Whilst Georgie is running down to the basement to fetch something - presumably not a book on stranger danger - two glowing dots briefly appear behind him. Are these two tiny fireflies? Two mini lamps? A production error? Nope, they're the familiar yellow eyes of the demon known as It.

The creature was stalking the poor lad long before he even left the house. This scene is a fantastic depiction of the omnipotent power It possesses and a reminder that, if you think you can hear something in the dark, you probably can.

Good luck sleeping tonight!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.