10 High Budget Horror Movies With Terrible CGI

5. It & It Chapter Two

Mama Creature
Warner Bros.

Andy Muschietti and convincing CGI work would appear to be mutually exclusive.

The Argentine is a talented director - one does not receive the praise and backing of Guillermo Del Toro without good reason - however, it is not unfair to surmise that Muschietti may be in need of alternative contacts within the CGI industry, based on several standout examples in his flagship films.

While the agonizing effects within Mama have already been mentioned, some of the more disastrous visual work within Muschietti's films pop up in his two-part take on Stephen King's It. Muschietti's interpretation of the classic horror story was positively received for the most part; while the first chapter was universally acclaimed, the glowing reviews fell off considerably for the sequel, which was criticized as overly lengthy, convoluted and reliant on the success of the original.

The original's standout ruinous CGI moment actually occurs within the opening sequence; the animation of Pennywise's teeth clamping on to Georgie is an unmitigated catastrophe. Fast forward to the sequel and another aspect of Pennywise's mouth came under fire. This time, disapproval was directed towards the depiction of the nightmarish clown's tongue, in addition to his unconvincing overall appearance.

Factor in a wave of negative reaction to the clearly rushed digital "de-aging" of the original adolescent cast members, and Muschietti's adaptation is saddled with the unfortunate tag of a film whose computer graphics failed to do the franchise's eye-watering budget of more than $100 million justice. This depressing statement gains even more credence so when one considers how incredible Pennywise looks in the scenes relying only on make up.

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Horror Mama
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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.