10 Highly Questionable Actions Committed By Mark Zuckerberg (In The Social Network)

2. Asking Out Someone On Your Law Team

10 Second Year Law Women I think everyone in the theatre felt for Mark when he asked out Marilyn. He was putting himself out there. We don't really even know if he was trying to go out with her or just needed a friend after he had been sued by his ex-best friend and sued by his rivals for the past who knows how long. He may have just needed a friend. I kind of (and by kind of, I mean, really) feel for him in this scene, because even though it comes off has highly questionable. He really just wanted a friend to eat with. He was attempting to display worry for her that all she had eaten was a salad. There really was no malicious intent behind it. But it was, in some ways, highly questionable.

I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.