10 Hilarious Mistakes You Can't Unsee On Official Movie Posters

8. Nine (2009)

Bangkok Dangerous Nic Cage

One of the most important rules of movie poster design is don't ignore the details.

Sure, it's the imagery that's front and centre that draws the eye the most, but don't ignore the stuff in the corner, or at the bottom, because people will find anything lazy that's hidden there. That's what the Internet is for.

Take the poster for Nine, a 2009 romantic drama starring the great Daniel Day-Lewis. On the surface, everything looks spot on; the actors have all been airbrushed to death, but that's nothing out of the ordinary.

And then, you look at the paparazzi at the bottom - specifically, the chap on the left who's holding a camera, and appears to be taking a shot of Day-Lewis'... crotch? His knee? His thigh? Who knows.

And take a look at the camera in the middle, that's taking a shot of the guy taking a shot of Day-Lewis' lower-regions. Shouldn't they all be getting a good shot of his face, or his entire top-half? What on Earth is going on?

If Daniel Day-Lewis walked in the room we'd all definitely take a snap, but we'd aim the camera a bit more skillfully than these blokes seem to be doing.

Nine Poster

WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.