10 Hilarious Mistakes You Can't Unsee On Official Movie Posters
2. Bangkok Dangerous (2008)
Nicolas Cage's fall from grace is one of the most saddening in recent memory; a true talent lost in a swarm of cheap action movies and bad decisions.
One of the most prolific of said action movies, Bangkok Dangerous, was, unsurprisingly, not very good. Cage plays a hitman who always plays by the rules and completes his jobs professionally and with little fuss - even though the poster makes him seem like a forgetful idiot.
Check out his right hand, which is clearly meant to be holding a gun, but... isn't. It's just gripping thin air. Or better yet, it's gripping the physical representation of Cage's career as a serious actor. NOTHING.
And what is his left arm doing? Forget the fact that it looks ridiculously long, but it seems as though it's reaching down the sleeve of his other arm. Is he trying to spray deodorant on his armpit? Probably. Gotta wash the stink of Bangkok Dangerous off his CV, after all.
Considering how badly this poster was executed, it's almost unbelievable that the movie's tagline is "it's all in the execution". The jokes write themselves.