10 Hilarious Movies That Were Supposed to be Serious

1. The Happening (2008)

Honestly? I debated just putting every post-Signs M. Night Shyamalan movie in this slot. But while The Village and Lady in the Water are plagued with long stretches of dullness in between their unintentional hilarity, The Happening is a nonstop barrage of amazingness. Somehow a movie about trees making people commit suicide was intended to be horrifying. This results in scenes of people trying to outrun the wind. But it wouldn't be nearly half as magical if Shyamalan had chosen a lead other than Mark Wahlberg. Witness: http://youtu.be/jhmEo-46vUQ The most incredible thing about this scene is that it's supposed to be funny, but it's so badly done that it's unfunny, but it's so unfunny that it warps right back around to being so gut-busting that it could disembowel you. And that's just one example of the special magic of The Happening. I thoroughly look forward to what Shyamalan will bring us in the future. The Last Airbender unfortunately was another case of too much boredom sandwiched in with the doofiness, but perhaps After Earth will bring the laughs. So what are your favorite straight-faced movies that fall flat on those straight faces? List 'em up; I've only scratched the surface!
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Dan Schindel loves movies more than you do. He considers it an accomplishment to have survived a year and counting in Los Angeles. Someday, he'll be the greatest critic in the world. He spent a year watching a documentary every day, so now he knows everything.