10 Hit Horror Movies That DIDN'T Get Sequels

2. Let The Right One In (2004)

The Babadook
Magnet Releasing

From the murky swamps of the bloodsucking Twilight franchise emerged this lo-fi Scandanvian masterpiece, which is arguably the best vampire film ever made.

Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant) is a bullied 12-year-old boy who meets Eli (Lina Leandersson) at the play area on his housing estate. Eli looks to be a similar age to Oskar but is in fact a much older vampire. They develop a friendship which becomes the beginnings of a pre-teen romance. All the while Eli drinks the blood of the locals and eventually dismembers and murders Oskar’s tormentors. The film ends with Oskar leaving his hometown on a train with Eli hidden in the trunk. Its an ending that suggests the pair will move on to a new town together and that their relationship will intensify.

In a sequel, there’s the option of turning Oskar into a fellow vamp, but more likely Oskar would become an older helper to Eli just like Håkan (Per Ragnar) was before his grisly end. You could even have the relatives of the butchered bullies try to track down Oskar for vengeance. And there’s always the question in vampire lore of where are the other vampires?

It’s tough to decide how welcome a sequel would be. The original grossed $11.2 million from a $4.5 million budget, leading to the American remake Let Me In which turned out to be a pleasant surprise. There is no doubt so much that could be done to further the story of Oskar and Eli, it’s just that something so beautiful needs to be handled with care.


Born in Essex, lives in South London. MA in Film & Literature, actor, and playwright.